Brigham young biography book
Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet Hardcover -
- The book provides a good insight into Brigham Young's life, with interesting details about his beliefs and positions.
Brigham Young: American Moses - Wikipedia
Brigham Young: American Moses Paperback -
Turner and Arrington are the definitive biographies of Young. | |
In Brigham Young, Ed Breslin distills Young's larger-than-life story into a concise, readable biography that focuses on his most critical moments and achievements. | | › new-brigham-young-biography-difficult-worth-reading. |
Brigham Young | Mormon Leader, Pioneer, Colonizer | Britannica
‘Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet,’ by John G. Turner - The New ...
- In this superb new biography, Turner's strong narrative, human insight, knowledge of context, meticulous use of sources, and sophisticated appreciation of Mormon theology combine to create an account of his larger-than-life subject that is at once informative, judicious, and profoundly engaging.
Brigham Young — Harvard University Press
- In Brigham Young, Ed Breslin distills Young's larger-than-life story into a concise, readable biography that focuses on his most critical moments and achievements.
Brigham Young: An Inspiring Personal Biography -
Brigham Young: A Concise Biography of the Mormon Moses ...
- John G. Turner’s new biography of Brigham Young portrays a social experiment, the most ambitious in American history, that until Young’s death in explicitly rejected the core values of Victorian capitalism: possessive individualism and Darwinian competition.
Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet by John G. Turner | Goodreads
Brigham Young: American Moses
biography by Leonard Arrington
Brigham Young: American Moses is a biography written by Leonard J. Arrington about Brigham Young, a leader in the Latter Day Saint movement and the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Alfred A. Knopf published the book in , and reviewers and historians have called it "the definitive Mormon history" and "necessary reading" for understanding Young's life and character.
Upon becoming the Church Historian of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), Leonard J. Arrington showed interest in writing a biography of Brigham Young, who had led the church (first as president of its Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and then as its general president) from until his death in With an immense amount of manuscript material found in the basement of the Church Administration Building, Arrington proposed a seven-volume biography to the First Presidency. However, Spence