J preston eby biography

j preston eby biography
the kingdom bible study J.
j preston eby audio books J.
j preston eby video teaching J.

Latter Rain (post–World War II movement)

Christian Pentecostal movement

For other uses of this term, see Latter Rain Movement.

The Latter Rain, also known as the New Order or the New Order of the Latter Rain, was a post-World War II movement within PentecostalChristianity which remains controversial. The movement saw itself as a continuation of the restorationism of early Pentecostalism.[1] The movement began with major revivals between 1948 and 1952 and became established as a large semi-organized movement by 1952. It continued into the 1960s. The movement had a profound impact on subsequent movements as its participants dispersed throughout the broader charismatic and Pentecostal movements beginning in the 1960s.

The Latter Rain Movement had its beginnings in the years following World War II and was contemporary with the evangelical awakening led by Billy Graham, as well as with the Healing Revival of Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, and William Branham.[2]

Kingdom Bible Studies


TABLE OF CONTENTS - Kingdom Bible Studies

  • J.
  • About J. Preston Eby – Kingdom Resources: RUTH IN LOVE ...

      Some background on J. Preston Eby. and the KINGDOM BIBLE STUDIES Ministry.

    Remembering J. Preston Eby :: God's Kingdom Ministries

  • Follow J Preston Eby and explore their bibliography from Amazon's J Preston Eby Author Page.
  • Latter Rain (post–World War II movement) - Wikipedia

  • Preston Eby was born into a Mennonite family in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
  • Yet Where Sin Increases, Grace Superexceeds: J. Preston Eby


    By J. Preston Eby Audio – Kingdom Resources: RUTH IN LOVE ...


    Kingdom Resources: RUTH IN LOVE, RECONCILIATION OF ALL ...

  • Kingdom Bible Studies are written by J. Preston Eby and are given freely to those who ask.