Juval lowy bio
Juval Lowy - Los Gatos, California, IDesign |
- Juval Löwy, a celebrated figure in the world of software architecture, currently serves as the Chief Architect and Co-Founder of Individual Centricity Corporation.
Juval Löwy is the founder of IDesign and a master software architect specializing in system and project design. | |
Full Bio Juval Löwy, a celebrated figure in the world of software architecture, currently serves as the Chief Architect and Co-Founder of Individual Centricity Corporation. | |
Juval Löwy, founder of IDesign, is a master software architect specializing in system and project design. |
Juval Lowy – O’Reilly Author(s) – O’Reilly
- Juval Löwy is the founder of IDesign and a master software architect.
Juval Lowy - Iasa
Juval Löwy - IC-Corp
- IDesign focuses on the design phase of software development with our methodology that combines system design with project design.
Interview with Juval Lowy (President and Chief Master ...
SE Radio 407: Juval Löwy on Righting Software
Righting Software by Juval Lowy - A Book Review - LinkedIn
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Software Legend and Master Architect Juval Lowy joins Dr. Doris Chen for a candid discussion of the career path of architects. Juval has mentored hundreds of architects the world over in his renowned Architect’s Master Class, and has a unique perspective on the role of the architect. Juval defines the architect as the technical manager of the project, wearing the hats of the design lead, technical lead and process lead. Juval and Doris discuss how one becomes an architect, the choices and the challenges involved, and the importance of aligning the architect’s career phase with the environment.
About Juval Lowy
Juval Löwy is the founder of IDesign and a master software architect specializing in system and project design. Juval has mentored hundreds of architects across the globe, sharing his insights, techniques, and breakthroughs, in architecture, project design, development process, and technology. Juval is Microsoft’s Regional Direct
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- Juval published several bestsellers, and his latest book is the 4th edition of Programming WCF Services (O'Reilly 2015).