Michael work attorney newport nh

michael work attorney newport nh

Michael Work – Michael Work & Associates – Immigration Attorneys

    Michael J. Work has been a practicing attorney in New Hampshire and an integral part of the Lake Sunapee area and the surrounding communities for well over 40 years.

Michael J. Work - a Newport, New Hampshire (NH) Real Estate ...

  • Michael J. Work has been a practicing attorney in New Hampshire and an integral part of the Lake Sunapee area and the surrounding communities for well over 40 years.
  • Law Office of Michael J. Work - Newport, NH Law Firm ...

  • Lake Sunapee Title and the Law Office of Michael J. Work.
  • Location | Michael J. Work, Attorney at Law -

      Law Office of Michael J. Work is a firm serving Newport, NH in Real Estate, Probate and Estate Planning cases.
    Work has been a practicing attorney in New Hampshire and an integral part of the Lake Sunapee area and the surrounding communities for well over 40 years.
    Lake Sunapee Title and the Law Office of Michael J. Work.
    Michael J. Work, a Newport, New Hampshire (NH) Lawyer, Attorney - Real Estate Law, Probate & Estate Administration, Contracts.

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//if there were not bounds parameters in the response it will send the parameter fsearch as radius so a radius search will be performed because of lack of info for this location } else { parameters.fsearch = "radius"; } var locationCenterResponse = results[0].geometry.location; parameters.lat = locationCenterResponse.lat(); parameters.lng = locationCenterResponse.lng(); parameters.faddress = results[0].formatted_address; parameters.place_id = results[0].place_id; var formatParameters = $.param(parameters); urlGET = urlGET + "&" + formatParameters; var urlPath = formActionUrl; var redirect = urlPath + "?" + urlGET; //will redirect the page using the new url that has been constructed window.location.href = redirect; } function populateSearchFields() { var prePopulateLocationSetting = '0'; var geolocationMethod = 'HTML5'; //if set to one will get the lat and lng to do reverse geocoding if (prePopulateLocationSetting == 1 && (geolocationMethod === "HTML5" || geolocationMethod === "IP") && (vlat !== '' && vlon !== '' && vlat != undefined && vlon != undefined && vlat != 0 && vlon != 0)) { var visitorLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(vlat), parseFloat(vlon)); 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    Michael J. Work, Attorney at Law

      Law Office of Michael J. Work is a firm serving Newport, NH in Real Estate, Probate and Estate Planning cases.

    Estate Planning | Michael J. Work, Attorney at Law

  • Michael J. Work is a lawyer serving Newport in Real Estate, Probate and Estate Planning cases.
  • Michael J Work Law Offices in Newport, NH 03773 - (603) 8...

  • Law Office of Michael J. Work has a law office located in Newport, NH. Martindale-Hubbell provides the office's address, phone number, site, and hours.
  • Michael J. Work, Lawyer at Law Office of Michael J. Work ...

    Michael J Work Law Offices, 7 S Main St, Newport, NH 03773 ...

      Michael J. Work, a Newport, New Hampshire (NH) Lawyer, Attorney - Real Estate Law, Probate & Estate Administration, Contracts.