Setareh mohtarez biography of christopher
Meet the Artist // SETAREH MOHTAREZ
- High School Principal Dr. Christopher Traficante presented engraved plaques to each one of the students.
Setareh Mohtarez Brightness - Dawn Collection. | |
High School Principal Dr. Christopher Traficante presented engraved plaques to each one of the students. | |
While You Were Sleeping: Alice Temperley's Royal Honor, LSD's Beauty Routine, Plus More! |
I apologise for the lack of I Spy! blogs lately but I have come back with a bang. I'd like to introduce to you a new designer I've come across. Setareh Mohtarez is a NYC based designer who combines shape, colour and movement in her garments. She has a strong vision for innovation and fantasy whilst keeping a strong respect for classic elegance.
Her collection "Brightness Dawn" was a huge success and it's clear to see why:
When I first saw the collection the solar system jumped into my mind. I feel like looking at these are like looking at the different planets. They are gorgeous designs and the shapes slightly remind me of David Koma's work. I'm on the waiting list for an interview with her and I can't wait to hear her inspirations and what's next, as this collection was launched in 2009.
This weeks I Spy! gets a massive Yay from me, but what about you?
Yay or Nay?
Brightness Dawn Collection by Setareh Mohtarez - POPBEE
- Tal vez el uso de textura espacial es un recurso ya utilizado por Christopher Kane pero el trabajo de Setareh Mohtarez no es reciente, lo ha estado desarrollando desde el , y aún así, su trabajo evoca más la fantasía e imaginación que a fotos de nebulosas.
I Spy! New York based designer: Setareh Mohtarez
Setareh Mohtarez's Space Fashion - VICE
Cosmic Clothes – Brightness Dawn By Setareh Mohtarez
- Setareh Mohtarez trabaja en NY y su trabajo se destaca por su forma, movimiento, volumen, textura y color.
TheFaceStyler: Setareh Mohtarez : Brightness Dawn Collection
Setareh Mohtarez – Fashion Salad
Setareh Mohtarez: Brightness Dawn
YATAKO: Brightness Dawn Collection by Setareh Mohtarez
- 這一個 Brightness Dawn Collection 是來自紐約設計師 Setareh Mohtarez 的作品,這些星際銀河的布料有了更多的顏色,而且整個衣服的線條塑型也更有趣了,原來時尚界除了 Christopher Kane 還有別的設計師要帶我們探索宇宙啊~兩人都帶我們看到了那片未知宇宙美麗完善的一面。 還記得學生時期,有朋友因為很仰慕一位老師,對於那位老師教導的科目嚴加苦讀,成績便一直名列前矛。 我在想,要是當初有看到這些漂亮的作品,我的地球科學科目或許就不會這麼低分了也說不定,起碼宇宙那一部分我一定會好好認真學,哈哈~ [via].