Biografia de joseph ratzinger biography

biografia de joseph ratzinger biography


    Benedicto XVI [Joseph Ratzinger] (Marktl, - Ciudad del Vaticano, ) Teólogo y prelado alemán, elegido Papa de la Iglesia Católica el 19 de abril de , como sucesor de Juan Pablo II.
Joseph Ratzinger



Joseph Ratzinger was born in Marktl am Inn, diocese of Passau (Germany), on the 16th April 1927 (Holy Saturday) and was baptized on the same day. His father, a Police Commissioner, came from an ancient and poor family of farmers from Lower Bavaria.His mother was the daughter of artisans from Rimsting, on lake Chiemsee, and before getting married she worked as a cook in many hotels.

Joseph spent his infancy and adolescence in Traunstein, a little village near the Austrian border, 30 km from Salzburg. He himself has defined his upbringing as ‘Mozartian’, growing up in this setting where he received his Christian, human and cultural education. He lived a difficult adolescence but his faith and his familial upbringing helped him to face the harsh reality of the times, during which the Catholic Church was facing heavy hostility from the Nazi regime. The young Joseph was witness to the Nazis beating up a parish priest before mass. In that period he discovered

Biografia Oficial de Benedicto XVI:Joseph Ratzinger

  • Ordained as a priest in 1951 in his native Bavaria, Ratzinger embarked on an academic career and established himself as a highly regarded theologian by the late.
  • Joseph Ratzinger. A life spent in the service of the Church

      El cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Papa Benedicto XVI, nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau (Alemania), el 16 de abril de (Sábado santo), y fue bautizado ese mismo día.

    Biografia di Sua Santità Benedetto XVI | Benedetto XVI - Vatican

  • Tras cerca de ocho años de pontificado, presentó su renuncia en febrero de 2013, decisión con escasísimos precedentes en los dos mil años de historia de la Iglesia.
  • Biografia de Benedicto XVI [Joseph Ratzinger]

  • Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) was born on 16 April 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Germany.
  • Biografía de Benedicto XVI: La vida y obra de Joseph Ratzinger

      El cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Papa Benedicto XVI, nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau (Alemania), el 16 de abril de (Sábado Santo), y fue bautizado ese mismo día.

    Joseph Ratzinger. Una biografía - Aceprensa

  • Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) was born on 16 April in Marktl am Inn, Germany.
  • pope benedict xvi cause of death Benedict XVI (born April 16, 1927, Marktl am Inn, Germany—died December 31, 2022, Vatican City) was the bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church.
    pope benedict wife El cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Papa Benedicto XVI, nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau (Alemania), el 16 de abril de 1927 (Sábado santo), y fue bautizado ese mismo día.
    pope before benedict xvi This book is the only existing biography of Pope Benedict XVI, born Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger on April 16, 1927, in southern Bavaria.

    Biographical notes of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI ...

      El cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Papa Benedicto XVI, nació en Marktl am Inn, diócesis de Passau (Alemania), el 16 de abril de 1927 (Sábado Santo), y fue bautizado ese mismo día.