Douglas tallamy biography

douglas tallamy biography

The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential ...

  • Douglas Tallamy is an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist.
  • Founders - Homegrown National Park

      Douglas Tallamy is an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist.
    doug tallamy speaking schedule 2024 Douglas Tallamy is an.
    doug tallamy website Douglas Tallamy, is a professor and chair for entomology and wildlife ecology.
    doug tallamy speaking fee Douglas Tallamy is an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist.

    Douglas Tallamy's How Native Plants Support Wildlife

      Douglas Tallamy, is a professor and chair for entomology and wildlife ecology.

    Doug Tallamy: A Guide to Restoring the Little Things that Run ...

  • Douglas Tallamy, is a professor and chair for entomology and wildlife ecology.
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  • Doug Tallamy's Biography.
  • Doug Tallamy | Expert Keynote Speaker | Chartwell Speakers

      Doug Tallamy.

    Doug Tallamy | Entomology and Wildlife Ecology | University ...

      Doug Tallamy is the TA Baker Professor of Ag and Natural Resources in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology.

    Doug Tallamy


    Piel, G., Tallamy, D.W., Narango, D. L. 2021. Lepidoptera host records accurately predict tree use by foraging birds. Northeastern Naturalist 28(4): 527-540. 


    96. Narango, D.L., Shropshire, K.J., and Tallamy, D.W. 2020. Few keystone plant genera support the majority of Lepidoptera species. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 10.1038/s41467-020-19565-4.

    95. Narango, D.L., Brandao, M, Tallamy D.W. and Rice, R. In press. Foraging niche differs among Yellow warblers (Setophagia petechia) by sex and age in a rustic shade-coffee farm. Journal of Field Ornithology.

    94. Tallamy, D.W. and W.G. Shriver. 2020 Insectivorous birds at risk from insect declines. The Condor 123: 1-8.

    93. Tallamy, D.W., Narango, D.L., Mitchell, A. 2021. Do nonnative plants contribute to insect population declines? Invited submission to special issue on “Insect Declines”. Ecological Entomology, 46(4), 729-742. 


    92. Narango, D.L. D.W. Tallamy, K.J. Snyder and R.A. Rice. 2019. Ca

    Doug Tallamy - Observatory

    The Doug Tallamy Page - Pollinator Conservation Association

  • Doug Tallamy is the T. A. Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored research publications and has taught insect-related courses for 41 years.